Examining of The Effects of Employees on Work Stress, Role Conflict and Job Insecurity on Organizational Culture

  • Zafer Adiguzel Istanbul Medipol University
  • Irem Kucukoglu Istanbul Medipol University
Keywords: Perceived Work Stress, Job Insecurity, Role Conflict, Organizational Culture, Employees, Job Performance


Perceived work stress, It is stated that employees are psychologically disturbed and intensely threatening their health at their busy working tempo. Employees with a high degree of stress in the face of excessive workloads may experience burnout and intention to quit. Employees experiencing job insecurity cannot show their real performance and cannot get the efficiency they want from employees because they do not see themselves permanently in their organizations. However, they cannot achieve the desired efficiency due to the fact that employees who have a role conflict must fulfill more than one workload. Employees who are satisfied with their organizations are able to adopt organizational culture and develop their organizational skills such as planning and problem solving. Within the scope of the aim of the research, a survey was conducted with 350 employees. Some of the analyzes were performed using SPSS 25 Program and some of them were performed with AMOS program. Factor analysis and reliability analysis were applied to the questions using Likert scale. The results of factor analysis were checked by confirmatory factor analysis in AMOS. Correlation analysis was used to examine the relationships between variables, and regression analysis was used to test hypotheses.
